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Life after Bosley is great. I look the way I’m supposed to look.

Steven is 42 and looks younger than he did ten years ago, a result of finding Bosley and having his hair permanently restored.  His only regret is not calling Bosley sooner.

“In my free time I like to train for triathlons.  I love tris – it’s a challenge, it’s finding out what you’re capable of doing, and it’s just an ever-evolving process of how far you can push yourself and what you can achieve.

My aha moment was one of the first triathlons I ever did.  I was coming out of the water and I should have been thinking about my transition, I should have been thinking about my bike, and all I was thinking about was pulling off my swim cap and how bad my hair was going to look.

I never avoided the camera when I was losing my hair.  I just avoided looking at the photos afterwards.  That was one of the reasons I had my hair restored is I didn’t want to be bald in my own wedding photos.

Life after Bosley is great.  I look the way I’m supposed to look.  I feel the way I’m supposed to feel about myself.  I feel younger.  I feel vibrant.  I don’t worry about growing old and looking bald.  I’m 42 now and that was about ten years ago, and I think I look younger now than I did then.

When I do a triathlon now I’m not worried about how my hair looks coming out of the water.  I live a better life now with hair than I think I had before I even lost it because I realized what I lost.  I didn’t realize how much it affected me until after I got it done.  If I have any regrets it’s that I didn’t call Bosley sooner.” -Steven A.

The first step Steven took was to schedule a consultation at a nearby Bosley office.  Consultations are private, no-obligation and free.

During the consultation you’ll learn more about the causes of hair loss and available treatment options.  You’ll also receive a complimentary microscopic scalp and hair analysis that provides insight into your current level of hair loss and availability of donor hair for permanent hair restoration.

What to do next?

To learn more about your hair restoration options and the average hair transplant timeline, The Complete Book on Hair Restoration, to see how great your hair can look. If you’re ready to do something about that bald spot or thinning hair now, schedule a FREE in-person or video consultation with a trained Bosley hair restoration specialist. Together with a Bosley Physician, we can help you find out what’s causing your balding and what treatment solution is right for you.

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