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Frank P. Campisi

Dr. Campisi is a board certified general surgeon and is a fellow of the American college of surgeons and an associate member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery.

While he was in practice as a general surgeon he devolved interest in many areas of surgery and medicine.

Dr. Campisi achieved certification as a trauma surgeon in Orlando early in his career, and completed certification in advanced trauma care. It was at this time that he spent many years taking care of burn patients and their cosmetic needs with skin grafting.

Throughout his career in Orlando he was a very active member of the surgical community and held the position of Chief of Surgery multiple times at Dr. Phillips Hospital, a part of the Orlando Health Care system.

With a growing interest in various fields of medicine, Dr. Campisi paused his surgical trade in order to study radiology, which in turn, helped him in his surgical career.

Over the years he took advanced courses in aesthetic surgery in preparation for his later years. He invested time learning hair restoration (in the early years), became certified in liposuction and body shaping, as well as facial aesthetics including fillers and Botox techniques.

Prior to the aesthetic studies he developed the Campisi Health Center. This was dedicated to medical management of obesity and obesity related diseases while simultaneously being associated with Golds Gym in Orlando. This was eventually bought by Orlando Regional Hospital and incorporated into their forward thinking proactive care programs.

Dr. Campisi realized that the mental component to wellness had a good deal to do with self-perception. He continued to round off his interests and found that hair restoration, surgical and medical, were a perfect match for him. From there, he interviewed at Bosley and accepted a position with the company. It was an honor for Dr. Campisi to meet and train under Dr. Suddelson, Dr. Deutsch, and Dr. Washenik’s guidance. All are experts in the field of hair transplant surgery and medical management.

Dr. Campisi has a goal which is to “always keep learning.” He has realized that his specialized field benefits many patients in ways he has never experienced, and is motivated to always help patients attain their goals and expectations.

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