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Summer Shedding: The Why’s and How’s of Summer Hair Loss

Summer welcomes us to cook-outs, ice pops, pool parties, and other ways to escape the heat. But Summer could also bring a change to your hair’s growth cycle.

If you didn’t know already, it’s completely normal for you to shed between 50-100 hair follicles every day. However, research suggests some people may notice an increase in hair loss during the longer summer days. Luckily, there are things you can do to protect your hair from falling victim to this heat. Above all, it’s important to know the difference between this seasonal cycle and one that could be more permanent.

A Summer Research Theory

Hair growth is broken down into 3 stages: anagen (growth), catagen (transition) and telogen (resting). Hair follicles in the final resting phase are more likely to fall off. On average, 10% of a person’s follicles are in this phase at any given time. Researchers have found that a higher percentage of follicles remain in this resting phase during the summer. This has led them to believe that there is a connection between summer and hair loss.

In 2009, a Swedish study concluded that there was a higher percentage of resting hair follicles in the summer after monitoring 823 healthy women over the course of 6 years.* Furthermore, research from Johns Hopkins and Washington State also support this summer theory by analyzing Google trends over 12 years in 15 different countries.** They concluded that the search term “hair loss” was most common during the summertime. A coincidence or a seasonal connection?

Why Summertime Hair Loss?

As days become longer and we welcome back the warmth of summer, the sun tends to cause more than heat and tan lines. Due to an increase in sunlight, your body tends to produce less melatonin. This direct change to your body’s hormone levels can lengthen the amount of time hair follicles stay in their resting phase. This connection could lead to an increase in hair loss and could potentially reduce hair density.

Summer also tends to bring higher levels of testosterone in both men and women, which is linked to hair loss. However, it’s important to note that despite these hormone changes, hair follicles in their resting phase will eventually fall out as they move to another part of the hair growth cycle. Therefore, an increase in hair loss during the summer should not be considered a chronic condition.

How to Prevent Summer Hair Loss

While you can’t change the affects that summer has on your hormone levels, there are preventable measures you can take to protect your hair from further damage:

  • Protect your hair from heat – Reduce the exposure to styling heat, often caused by a blow dryer or straightener, by using a heat protectant or setting a lower heat level. This can prevent your hair from becoming brittle and thin.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure – Contrary to popular belief, sunshine has no direct effect on hair loss. However, too much exposure can cause damage to your hair. Keep your hair moisturized and protected by using sun-protection products and wearing a hat on sunny days.
  • Hydrate and maintain a healthy diet – Since hydration and diet directly affect the way your body functions, maintaining a high standard to both ensures a level of health that eventually leads to healthy hair. Bosley’s Healthy Hair Grow Supplements provide vitamins needed to promote thicker fuller hair.
  • Keep your hair nourished – Bosley’s line of shampoos and conditioners are specifically formulated to help nourish and restore visibly thinning hair. This is essential when combating a seasonal change in hair loss.

Seasons Change

For most people, seasonal hair loss is a natural process. Hair growth varies as it goes through its natural cycle throughout the year. However, if you think that your hair loss is due to more than just seasonal change or you notice thinning in certain areas, it might be time to seek a professional evaluation.

If you’re interested in more information, schedule your free consultation with a Bosley specialist today.

What to do next?

To learn more about your hair restoration options and the average hair transplant timeline, The Complete Book on Hair Restoration, to see how great your hair can look. If you’re ready to do something about that bald spot or thinning hair now, schedule a FREE in-person or video consultation with a trained Bosley hair restoration specialist. Together with a Bosley Physician, we can help you find out what’s causing your balding and what treatment solution is right for you.

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