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How to Stop Your Receding Hairline

Your hairline is receding. What now? What are your options for how to stop a receding hairline?

There is no shortage of hairstyles you can try to cover up your hair loss, but most people soon realize that their hair doesn’t feel or react like it used to. Most want their hairline back rather than continue trying to cover up their thinning hair.

What Is a Receding Hairline?

As the name suggests, a receding hairline is a hairline that gradually moves further up your head over time. In men, it’s typically due to hair loss associated with androgenetic alopecia (also called male pattern baldness).

But how does this change affect your hair? Ultimately, it depends on the severity of your hair loss and the shape of your hairline. Some people have a widow’s peak, giving the hairline an M or V shape, while others have a straight hairline that goes from one end of the forehead to the other.

No matter which type of hairline you have, watching it recede can cause stress and strain on your mental health. However, there are several options when it comes to how to stop a receding hairline and help get your confidence back.

Why is My Hairline Receding?

Most hairline recession can be traced to a hormone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This derivative of testosterone is hereditary, meaning it’s part of your genetic makeup.

Men with DHT-sensitive hair follicles (usually found along the hairline at the top and front of the scalp) find that their hair slowly thins over time to the point of falling out. This very common hair loss pattern is progressive and is known as androgenetic alopecia, or male-pattern baldness.

If you’ve started noticing changes to your hairline, receding is often one of the first stages of male pattern baldness. At this stage, your hair can begin to thin around your temples, and you may also notice that your hairline looks more like an M, V, or U when viewed from above.

To determine the kind and extent of hairline thinning and loss, we use what’s known as the Norwood Scale. This classification system helps healthcare professionals in diagnosing and treating hair loss.

The Norwood Scale is made up of seven different stages, from mild recession to moderate thinning to severe hair loss. If you treat your hair loss while it’s still in the first few stages, you increase your chances of retaining your existing hair. However, the longer hair loss progresses, the more difficult it becomes to treat effectively.

Less commonly, hair loss can be the result of stress, tight hairstyles, or certain medical conditions. Read more about hair loss causes for men or hair loss causes for women.

How to Stop a Receding Hairline

To choose the best receding hairline treatment for yourself, start by assessing your own hair loss goals. If you’re content to simply slow or stop the existing hair loss on your receding hairline, then a prescription medication might be your answer.

If you want a permanent solution that restores your former hairline, you should consider a hair transplant procedure from one of our experienced hair transplant physicians. The results are natural looking, and the procedure is virtually undetectable because we graft and transplant your own healthy hair.

Hair Loss Solutions


The effects of the DHT hormone can be slowed or stopped with Propecia® (finasteride), a prescription drug for men. If used consistently, Propecia can help you keep the hair you still have around your hairline, but it won’t bring back hair you’ve already lost.

Bosley Finasteride product

BosleyRx® Finasteride

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Rogaine® is another well-known hair loss product. It can be effective for thinning hair on the top-back part of the scalp (known as the vertex), but it isn’t effective for receding hairlines including the area around your temples.


Rogaine®, also known as Minoxidil, is not intended for restoring hair to receding hairlines (only a hair transplant can fully restore the hairline), but it is a well-known product that can help reduce the rate of hair loss. It can be effective for thinning hair on the top-back part of the scalp known as the vertex, slowing down or inhibiting the process. Using the same formula as Rogaine, BosleyMD Minoxidil is available in three formats — drops, spray and foam — in varying strengths so you can choose the application method that’s right for you.

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) products have also demonstrated success in promoting hair growth and can help stop hair loss. Laser energy stimulates the scalp at the follicle, which can increase blood flow and circulation. This process revitalizes the follicle and strengthens hair.

Bosley has developed its own line of laser therapy caps called Bosley Revitalizer. The Bosley Revitalizer Flex low-level laser therapy caps utilize clinically proven technology to grow thicker, fuller hair. Each cap features soft-flex technology for a comfortable fit and dual treatment modes — allowing you to choose the treatment that works best for your schedule. It only requires 8 minutes every day or 30 minutes every other day. 

Bosley offers three laser therapy models to fit the progression of your hair loss and the amount of coverage you need:

  • The Bosley Revitalizer 96 provides standard targeted coverage, with 96 laser diodes strategically placed in the areas where pattern baldness generally begins. 
  • The Bosley Revitalizer 164 provides enhanced targeted coverage, with 70% more laser coverage to deliver more laser power to where it is needed most. 
  • The Bosley Revitalizer 272, our most powerful LLLT cap, provides maximum targeted coverage with 272 laser diodes – the ultimate laser power, for the ultimate hair growth*.
    *Individual results may vary.

All three models operate at the same effective wavelength. The Bosley Revitalizer laser therapy caps are available for purchase on Bosley’s website and at Bosley locations nationwide. To determine whether low-level laser therapy is right for you, schedule a complimentary, private consultation with a Bosley specialist.

Bosley Low Level Laser Therapy hat

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

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Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp micropigmentation (also known as SMP) is a nonsurgical treatment that’s suitable for all types of hair loss. By applying a proprietary pigment (ink) to the scalp with a special microfine needle, technicians are able to create thousands of tiny impressions that give the appearance of fuller hair — all without the need for surgery.

before and after smp Before After

Scalp Micropigmentation

An innovative new solution for the look of a fuller head of hair

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Hair Transplantation

The only permanent hair restoration solution is hair transplantation. This simple outpatient procedure takes hair follicles from healthy parts of your scalp and moves them to your balding or thinning areas. Our physicians perform either a follicular unit extraction (FUE) or a follicular unit transplantation (FUT) procedure, based on your existing hair loss and your desired results.

Fortunately, the hair transplantation technology available today in the hands of an experienced Bosley physician provides a completely natural look, with surgical marks virtually undetectable after a few months. The procedure itself takes about a day to complete.

LifestyleChanges for Receding Hairlines

In addition to the surgical and non-surgical options listed above, there are several lifestyle changes you can implement that will help you achieve the best results possible. When you combine healthy habits with scientifically-backed hair restoration techniques, it’s possible to stop your receding hairline in its tracks. 

Eating a Healthy Diet

For a receding hairline, men should consider changing their diet. While diet generally does not affect androgenetic alopecia, you can still help hair growth by eating hair-friendly foods (such as protein-rich foods and leafy greens). Most importantly, you want to add more vitamins and minerals to your diet. Vitamin A and B12 play a crucial role in hair health, as does zinc. Look for food options that contain higher levels of these nutrients to help promote hair growth. 

Managing Stress 

It is also important to avoid as much stress as possible when determining how to stop receding hairline symptoms. Stress has a lot of negative effects on our bodies, but many people don’t know that it can also lead to hair loss. While work and home life will always come with ups and downs, there are ways that you can manage your stress while still meeting your professional and personal obligations. Engaging in regular exercise, practicing mindfulness, and getting enough sleep are all ways that you can reduce your stress levels. 

Stop Smoking

It’s no secret that smoking is harmful to our health. However, it’s important to note that smoking is as bad for your hair as it is for your lungs. Smoking can affect your hair’s growth cycle and speed up the hair loss process. It also adds strain on our body’s core functions by causing vasoconstriction (the narrowing or constriction of blood vessels by small muscles in their walls), which can lead to higher risk of hair loss and thinning hair. 

Try a New Hairstyle

An easy lifestyle change you can make is to switch up your hairstyle. A new hairstyle won’t just cover up hair loss, it can actually help prevent hair loss in the first place. Both men and women can strain their hair by using hairstyles that put a lot of pressure on the follicles, so avoid styling your hair too tightly or using harsh products to hold it in place. 

Increase Scalp Blood Flow 

To help prevent a receding hairline or slow down the thinning process, you’ll want to consider increasing the blood flow to your scalp. One of the best ways to do this is to start incorporating scalp massages into your daily life. Scalp massages increase the amount of oxygen and nutrients in the area. There are plenty of tools that can help stimulate hair growth, like the Bosley MicoRoller. This is an excellent way to prepare for a future hair transplant as well. 

Use Topical Hair Restoration Products

In addition to oral prescription medications, there are several topical hair products you can use to reduce hair loss. Common examples include hair restoration shampoos and conditioners, as well as topical gels, creams, sprays and drops. Bosley has a variety of topical hair care products to choose from, contact our team for help determining which option is best for you. 

Using products with finasteride is also an excellent answer when wondering how to stop a receding hairline. BosleyRx® finasteride is a medication that can combat DHT, reducing your levels of this enzyme so that it does not affect your hair follicles. Bosley offers finasteride as a topical and oral medication, depending on your preference. However, for those trying to figure out how to stop receding hairline symptoms, it can be one of your most effective options. 

Bosley makes it easy to get prescriptions online for both oral and topical medications. We can also advise on non-surgical options, as well as whether a hair transplant is your best option. Schedule a consultation and start your journey to healthier, thicker hair today! 

Your Treatment Plan

All our patients are carefully examined before receiving a complete hair loss treatment plan. We develop your plan by considering the following factors:

  • Age
  • Facial structure
  • Existing hairline
  • Quality of hair
  • Long-term goals

Created by a Bosley physician, this plan may include more than one hair loss treatment, such as transplantation complemented with medication. Treatment plans are developed based on your personal hair restoration goals.

To learn more about your hair restoration options, download Bosley’s FREE guidebook, The Complete Book on Hair Restoration, to see how great your hair can look. Or schedule a free consultation with a Bosley specialist today.

What to do next?

To learn more about your hair restoration options and the average hair transplant timeline, The Complete Book on Hair Restoration, to see how great your hair can look. If you’re ready to do something about that bald spot or thinning hair now, schedule a FREE in-person or video consultation with a trained Bosley hair restoration specialist. Together with a Bosley Physician, we can help you find out what’s causing your balding and what treatment solution is right for you.

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