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When is the right time to consider hair restoration?

If you’re reading this, you might be among the millions of people facing hair loss or thinning hair and are wondering, at what point in your life hair restoration makes sense to do and how could it improve your quality of life.

It’s important to understand that at Bosley, our hair restoration procedure isn’t a short-term or temporary fix. It’s a permanent solution to hair loss producing natural looking results that you’ll enjoy for years to come.

Our procedure gives you the opportunity to restore your full head of hair without worrying about any strange side effects or issues or temporary fixes often associated with other types of hair loss solutions, treatments, or remedies.

Hair transplant surgery relocates your own hair to the thinning areas in such a way that is virtually impossible to distinguish between native and transplanted hair. And once hair has been transplanted, it stays there, growing in its natural hair growth pattern.

Founded in 1974, Bosley has become world renowned for its highly-skilled physicians and the hair transplantation results they produce. Hair transplantation may be a relatively simple procedure, but is one that involves artistic skill and techniques only well-trained and experienced physicians understand and can apply to the transplantation process.

As already stated, in hair transplantation, hair follicles are extracted from the donor area of your scalp to be carefully transplanted into the recipient area(s) to emulate your natural hair growth pattern. The latter is important because it’s what separates bad and good hair transplantation results. Thanks to Bosley’s experienced doctors, your newly transplanted hair will complement the natural growth of your hairline and facial features, giving you only the most natural, virtually indistinguishable looking results.

If all this sounds good to you, here’s a look at some of the more common reasons why patients get hair restoration surgery, and whether or not you should too:

Self-Image & Self-Confidence

The most common reason our patients confess as the biggest driver in getting the procedure is the loss of self-confidence and the desire to feel good about themselves again. It may seem superficial, but human beings yearn that special, unique feeling of being self-assured, being desirable, and to feel as good as they look. For some people hair loss is a serious enough condition that affects their sense of confidence and getting their hair back can restore that lost emotion. Our patients have said that having a full head of hair not only improves their physical appearance, it helps reduce their sense of helplessness and anxiety.

As many studies have shown, confidence is a key trait that’s been shown to help unlock success in everything from your career to dating, friendships and social life. Far too many patients we’ve met say the gradual onset of prolonged hair loss and its seemingly irrevocable consequences has affected their self-esteem and made them feel more self-consciousness about personal interactions. These feelings can sometimes cause them to withdraw from everyday social activities and even give them pause before considering new business opportunities.

If you feel as though having hair will help you gain a more positive outlook on life and achieve a more outgoing demeanor, you should consider hair restoration surgery.

Slowing Hair Loss

Baldness doesn’t happen overnight. It’s usually a slow, gradual process that can sneak up on you, with thinning hair being one of the early signs of the onset of hair loss.

If you’re noticing your once-full head of hair beginning to thin, we recommend meeting with a professional before things worsen. A trained specialist can examine your unique situation, access the conditions, and recommend an appropriate treatment option.

We realize taking that first step in seeking treatment is often a difficult one, especially if you’re still in the early stages of hair thinning or loss, or if you are unsure how to go about it. In our experience, acting sooner rather than later is a great way to slow hair loss and, in some cases, even prevent it from progressing. There is nothing wrong in wanting to look and feel your best, and it is never too early or too late to realize that you can do something about your hair loss.

Medical Conditions

If you have hair loss due to a medical condition, hair restoration may still be an option but you should consult with your general physician or dermatologist before going into any treatment regimen.

Take Action

If you’re ready to take control over your hair loss, we invite you to any of our 70 locations nationwide for a free, private consultation where you’ll receive a complimentary microscopic scalp and hair analysis, personalized treatment options, and cost and financing information. Get started today.

Learn More:

Why Hair Transplantation?

The Bosley Guarantee

Hair Transplantation Costs


What to do next?

To learn more about your hair restoration options and the average hair transplant timeline, The Complete Book on Hair Restoration, to see how great your hair can look. If you’re ready to do something about that bald spot or thinning hair now, schedule a FREE in-person or video consultation with a trained Bosley hair restoration specialist. Together with a Bosley Physician, we can help you find out what’s causing your balding and what treatment solution is right for you.

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