June Summer Savings!

Bosley Patient Testimonial – Grant G

Meet Grant. Grant is a college student that started noticing his hair loss early in life, at the age of 17. He went to Bosley to get his confidence back! “I started noticing my hair loss when I was about 17 years old. That was pretty young for somebody to lose their hair. It is … Continued

Bosley Patient Testimonial – Delaina D

Meet Delaina Delaina is an entertainer. She felt like she was hiding a secret from everyone. Deliana came to Bosley after trying pretty much “everything”. “I’m going to be honest. I was hiding a secret. I loved wearing braids. What I didn’t realize was I was damaging my hairline. It wasn’t until I started wearing … Continued

Bosley Patient Testimonial – Chuck I

Meet Chuck Chuck is an IT analyst who says he became a “hat guy”. Chuck wore hats from morning until night to cover up his bald spots. Chuck decided to come to Bosley to help get his motivation back! “I tried to cover up my bald spot with a hat. I became a hat guy. … Continued

Bosley Patient Testimonial – Troy P

Meet Troy Troy is a bank manager who started noticing people staring at his hair line. His barber noticed but didn’t want to upset Troy, so he started to encourage him to “just shave it off”. Troy had other ideas and went to Bosley to start feeling like himself again! “I wasn’t as confident as … Continued

Hair Restoration Success Story: “It’s a Family Curse.”

It’s well-documented that hair loss for men can be a devastating experience. When male pattern baldness runs in the family, many men jokingly call it, “the family curse.” That’s what Bosley hair restoration patient Andrew Raphael called it before he went for his first consultation. “In my family hair loss is – it’s a family … Continued

Life after Bosley is great. I look the way I’m supposed to look.

Steven is 42 and looks younger than he did ten years ago, a result of finding Bosley and having his hair permanently restored.  His only regret is not calling Bosley sooner. “In my free time I like to train for triathlons.  I love tris – it’s a challenge, it’s finding out what you’re capable of … Continued

Marc First Noticed Losing His Hair at Nineteen

Marc is an attorney and avid outdoorsman who began losing his hair when he was nineteen.  When he was in his twenties he had given up on ever getting his hair back until he moved to Los Angeles and found Bosley.  Today Marc’s hair is fully restored along with his confidence. “I like outdoorsy things.  … Continued

Bosley has completely turned my life around in ways I had no idea

People come to Bosley because they want completely natural-looking hair restoration results from experienced surgeons. Bill is one of those people, a musician seen by thousands during his orchestra performances. Bill became self-conscious of his thinning hair and made the choice to do something about it. He decided on hair transplantation because he wanted his … Continued

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